East Coast,
I feel you man. I got a 3 year old and 7 year old and just completed "child custody." Bro you got your wife and your kids. Be a man. Step up and just flat out be a man.
Stay strong brother. You can do it.
i have been on this site lurking for over 2 years and this is my first post, i feel so bottled with emotion that i have to let it out somehow so i do not have an emotional breakdown!
i was raised in the organization and am married with 2 children ages 4 and 2. my wife and i have been inactive for about 2 years and i have always had hard questions that were never answered growing up, such as blood policy and how david and his men were allowed to eat from the bread reserved for the high priests without death penalty since it was life or death.
carbon dating on human remains/tools that date back 30-40k years, far surpassing the 6k year man creation date, the double standards and very real "human" aspect on the organization and its decisions and history.
East Coast,
I feel you man. I got a 3 year old and 7 year old and just completed "child custody." Bro you got your wife and your kids. Be a man. Step up and just flat out be a man.
Stay strong brother. You can do it.
they don't want to think about their past, present or future.. they ignore any obvious weakness in "the truth".. they won't question their leader's viewpoints.. they will follow what the governing body (the faithful & discreet slave) says even if they flipflop a hundred times.. it's embarrassing to see millions of people refuse to think.. the only silver lining is that many of us were just like the witnesses of today.
there is hope!.
far out!
I remember taking a class a long time ago in college....Land forms.....We did field trips out in the plains of Illinois....It was a total learning experience for me....and helped shape my understanind of a lot of things unexpected. It was fascinating to me how the glaciers created the different land forms and dropped thier "deposits" when they receded.
Keep it up man....
Thicker than water?
what do you think they would find?
even with assurance that all data collected would not be traceable to the individual many would still not have the courage to answer any nagging doubts?
as corporation ceos they have to know what the morale of their employees really is, if they don't they are driving this corporation blindly.
Stop the drama. Be Strong.
Have some balls...
forever began at the day of my birth, but, it turns out that it was a lie,.
i am who i am when nobody's watching, then nothing is there to deny.. .
Be Strong. Have some balls.
ok so to start... i am still an active jw... but only because i cannot get out yet... i am slowly planning to get out.... i should really read hassan's cult control book... it seems like i am getting everything wrong in trying to help the people i know to know ttatt.. so i will need your help, all of you dear people.. my current, actual beliefs are pretty much agnostic... no belief in any particular dogma, but i believe there is a higher power out there.... there are so many things on my mind... for example,.
1. the fact that no nt manuscript contains the name "jehovah".
2. the blood doctrine.
Be strong. Have some balls.
when i got home from work this afternoon my wife was standing near the door looking at me and said you need to sit down i have some hard news to tell you.
so i sat down and she began saying my brother called and i imminently ask if my mom had died.
she said no but my mother told my brother a deep family secrect that no one knows about.
Your a man. It's his life. Be strong. Have some balls.
their email address is: xxxxx.
and their message is:.
you probably would say, 'i didn't abandon him, i can still serve him on my own.
A narcissist only respects strength. These guys are narcissists, full blown, wild eye'd.
You can measure the degree of your effectiveness by the degree of their anger.
You rang thier bell.....
it would be nice if this little nougat of information could be more widely known - especially by journalists.. the quoted figures for scientology are taken from tony ortega's 2011 article in the village voice, which quotes former scientology pr executive jeff hawkins as saying.... "i know that event attendance internationally was somewhere in the region of 25,000 to 35,000. the international 'bodies in the shop' (people actually in the orgs that week for service) was 16,000 to 18,000. ias was struggling to get 40,000 members.
based on this and a lot of other information i was privy to, i estimate the actual number of scientologists at a maximum of 40,000. that's on the high side.".
portugal is one of 33 countries with more than 40,000 active jehovah's witnesses - demonstrating the gulf in size between the two faiths.. the following list shows all countries with more than 40,000 jws according to their reported peak publishers for 2013.. .
Pull my finger.
... that they actually have more of a desire to get to knoww you then jehovah's witnesses.
for years at the kingdom hall although i was an elder everyone "knew of me" but no one knew me.
i realized that i never really had a friend who knew anything about me as a person or my background.
Build Bridges..